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Brockton's Work for Veterans


Our firm believes in defending those who risked their lives to protect ours. In 2014, there were about 2.7 million American veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars and 8.2 million Vietnam-era veterans. Of those who served in the Middle East, every 11 out of 20 have post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in a given year. For Vietnam vets, it is 30 out of every 100. Those who experience PTSD are prone to flashbacks, bad dreams, and frightening thoughts, often about the very trauma that led to the condition in the first place. Veterans have experienced some of the most violent events people can go through, which is why their flashbacks tend to have more serious consequences. It’s not unheard of for a veteran to accidentally harm a loved one after waking from a nightmare.

Here at Brockton D. Hunter P.A., we understand. Brockton is a former U.S. Army Recon Scout and he has been working as an advocate for other veterans who have experienced combat trauma and are facing criminal charges. For a time, he worked at a small public defender’s office, where he saw many veterans in need of legal representation. They were targeted by a criminal-justice system that overlooked their war traumas and only focused on the crime itself (punishing the symptom, not solving the cause). Drug and alcohol addictions were common in these cases, as these veterans were sometimes self-medicating for psychological trauma at the time of the incidents. In 2007, Brockton helped draft a law in Minnesota that allows judges to consider sending veterans to treatment programs if they suffer from mental health disorders.

One article on ABA Journal, an excerpt from a larger book, talks about a particular criminal defense case that Brockton oversaw. A veteran named Kris Parson began having trouble adapting to civilian life, leading to pressed charges. With Brockton’s help, Parson was given the chance to attend therapy rather than spend time in prison. Read more of Kevin Davis’s work on the ABA Journal website.

Veterans fought in wars on our behalf, and for Vietnam vets, in particular, they may not have volunteered for the trauma. About 25% of total U.S. forces in Vietnam were drafted, about 648,500 men who may not have wanted to serve but did anyway. We believe you have a right to representation that is not only fair but understanding of your suffering. Contact Brockton and his team at (612) 979-1112 or fill out our online form with your case details. Put your case in good hands.
